pablo neruda

02.09.2013 05:11

pablo neruda:

Son of José del Carmen Reyes Morales, railroad worker, and Rosa Naphtali Opazo Basoalto school teacher died due to tuberculosis when Neruda was a month age.4 In 1906, the family moved to Temuco, where his father home Trinidad Candia remarried Marverde, whom Neruda Neruda called Mamadre.5 enters Men's Lyceum, where she all on to graduate the 6th year of humanities in 1920.4 the Temuco stunning natural environment, forests, lakes, rivers and mountains forever mark Neruda's poetic world.
In 1917, he published his first article in the newspaper the morning of Temuco, with the title of enthusiasm and perseverance. In this city wrote much of the work, who were to form his first book of poems: Crepusculario.5
In 1919, obtained the third place in the Floral Games Maule your perfect poem or Night Communion ideal.4 In 1920 begins to contribute to the literary journal Selva Austral.
Pablo Neruda.jpg